Here's what people are saying about the Secret Message Society app:
"I am a long standing admirer for so many years. Mandy reminds me to be on the look out for the hidden messages. Her art gives me permission to wander and wonder. "
"I love the new app! So many beautiful images and ideas. The Secret Message a Day is perfect as a prompt for journaling and introspection. It is fun to have daily little secret doors to open and see where they lead. Mandy has filled the app with them in various forms!"
"As a therapist, I’m always looking for helpful resources for my clients, and this app is a fantastic find! The daily contemplations blend both left- and right-brain activities, as well as top-down and bottom-up strategies, to enhance self-awareness and foster neural integration. I highly recommend it for creative clients or for anyone who wants a more guided approach to reflection and mindfulness—beyond simply focusing on the breath and body."
- Jonathan
"Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! For the relaunch of your App! Mandy!!!! This is THE best news I've had all day!!!! I'm all in!"
- Elisabeth
"I've only just downloaded your app and had a quick glance around but, oh my! you've really created something marvelous!"
- Cherry
"I appreciate Mandy's willingness to be vulnerable and share honestly."
- Molly
"I love the videos! It felt like we were just sitting & chatting, like Mandy was talking directly to me."
- Marci
"What I enjoyed most...was the practical magic stories! It was encouraging to me to hear Mandy's stories of transition through jobs and remembering magic is always available."
- Jen
"Mandy Steward is one of the best people I know to get encouragement from and excellent advice."
- William
"Two months ago I was thinking that I didn't really understand the point of living if it was just going to be joyless. And now I'm CONTEMPLATING SEPTEMBER. I've effortlessly been more creative in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years. And it feels so good. It's the thing that lets me know I'm on the right track. I'm so delighted to be here. And I'm ready to learn even more."
- Tara
"I feel safe with Mandy."
- Renee
"Mandy uses her creative content to create a container, so we can make meaning. She gives direction to the seeming chaos and says, 'It's orderly in this way.' She tells us it's a friendly world and we are one of the Universe's friends. But you have to stay open for it to work or it can't find you. She believes in us. She actually believes it.
- Julie